
Showing posts from May, 2019

This are the Issues for Hair Loss.

No-one likes to lose their hair, whether they are male or female, but it’s a reality that some people have to deal with. There are lots of reasons why hair loss can happen and not all of them, means you have to accept losing your hair as being permanent and inevitable. Here’s a look at some of the most common causes of hair loss. Stress It’s not an old wives’ tale, stress really can make your hair fall out and it’s one of the most common causes of hair loss. Hair transplant in Mumbai If you are put under excessive amounts of pressure for a prolonged period of time, such as moving house, going through a divorce or changing job, the effects of the stress may manifest as thinning locks. However, emotional stress won’t actually be the sole cause of hair loss; it tends to merely exacerbate any thinning or loss of hair which was already occurring or on the horizon. Physical stress is a different matter and can directly cause hair loss due to a condition known as teleg

The Difference Between FUE & FUT

In recent years there is a significant growth in the number of men and women seeking cosmetic surgery for hair transplants to tackle hair loss concerns. As a condition that affects nearly 55% of women and over 45% of men below the age of 35 to 40 and as many as 60% for men over 60, it’s not surprising that people are in search of a solution such as hair transplantation. Hence, there are two different types of hair transplants currently available to patients, Follicular Unit Transplant which is known as (FUT) and Follicular Unit Excision which is (FUE). In 2014, FUT accounted for over half of all hair transplants, but in mid-2012 and 2014, FUE saw a 50% growth too. But knowing the differences between two, will help you find the most appropriate solution to solve your hair loss condition. Hair transplant in Mumbai Follicular Unit Transplant or FUT This type of hair transplant is the more traditional and popular. Also known as strip method, FUT involves taking linea

Maintaining your hair after hair transplant

It doesn’t matter how well your surgery performs your hair transplant the outcome depends on just as much as how much care you take after it. All the patients have been given an aftercare pack that help them looking after their hair transplant - surgery however you need to know about what exactly you can and cannot do. This includes knowing which type of medications or supplements you can safely take or not.   Supplements is Necessary to take or not? The first thing to note down is that there are no supplements or lotions available in the market that will actually speed up your rate of hair growth or prevent hair loss.   Although there are some advertised which claim to do this things. Hair transplant in Mumbai . A good hair transplant surgeon will tell you that none of the things are necessary. A good multi-vitamin supplement doesn’t do any harm although you should always take the advice of your GP/doctor before taking any supplements, particularly if you take regular
Hair Transplant surgery, way to get you shiny hair back. ·      Easy & safest way to get you hair back is hair transplant. If your head is gating bold day by day or you have hair loss then go for a hair transplant . You can go for Hair transplant in Mumbai. ·      There are many types of Hair transplantation . Androgenetic alopecia . Eyebrow transplant . Frontal hair line lowering or reconstruction . ·       Androgenetic alopecia . It is an common form of hair loss in both men & women In this condition hair is loss in well-defined manner, in starting stage person face hair loss from his forehead & can see an M shape hair pattern on his head & hair on front side started gating thin as compare to before. In case of women hair become thinner all over the head. Androgenetic alopecia rarely reach to total boldness in case of women. Hair transplant Clinic in Mumbai . Androgenetic alopecia is a normal cause of hair loss in bo

What is Male pattern Baldness?

Androgenic alopecia also known as Male pattern baldness, is one of the most common type of hair loss in men. As per the  U.S. National Library of Medicine Study , over 50 percent of all men aged above 50 will be affected by male pattern baldness to some level. Causes of male pattern baldness : Common cause of male pattern baldness is genetics, or hereditary family history of baldness. Study has found that male pattern baldness relates to male hormones known as androgens. Many functions of these androgens include regulating hair growth. Every hair on one’s head has a development cycle. With male pattern baldness, the development of growth cycle begins to decline, and the hair follicle shrinks, making shorter and thinner strands of hair. Ultimately, the growth cycle for every hair ends and no new hair is produced or replaced. Hereditary male pattern baldness generally has no side effects. Though, occasionally baldness has more grave causes, such as certain Chemo-therapy, Hea