7 Foods for Hair Growth You Should Be Eating Daily

Hair transplant in Mohali

Hair is a cloth that you wear everyday so it is very important to have long, strong and healthy hair. Your overall outer look depends on your inner health, therefore it’s critically important to pay attention on your diet. Each strand is made up of cells that contain a tough protein and they need to be constantly nourished with minerals and vitamins. If you don’t know what to eat for a health hair no worries we have enlisted some food for the growth, which you must add in your daily diet. For Hair transplant in Mohali visit us.

1.       Eggs provided protein:
You must eat at least 2 to 3 eggs daily to have a health hair as hair is made of protein, therefore it is important to get enough protein from your diet. Protein build blockage of hair and eggs is one of the richest natural sources of protein. Hair transplant in Moradabad visit us.

2.       Spinach and Other Dark Leafy Greens provide Iron:
If your body as an iron deficiency it make your strands weak. Iron is an essential mineral that your hair cells required.

3.       Citrus Fruits to Get Your Dose of Vitamin C
Your body requires Vitamin C for iron absorption therefore; you need to add citrus fruits to your diet. Nutritionists recommend that one lime per day is enough to get your daily dose of Vitamin C. Just make yourself a chilled glass of nimbu paani (with honey or a healthy alternative to refined sugar) and you’re sorted. You could also opt for oranges. Vitamin C is also required for the production of collagen that make capillaries that connect to the hair shafts strong thus, ensuring regular supply of nutrients and quick hair growth. For Hair transplant in Durgapur visit us.

4.       Nuts and Seeds for Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids nourish the hair and support thickening. Since your body can't deliver these healthy fats, you have to get them from your diet. Almonds and walnuts are extremely high in Omega-3 unsaturated fats. Correspondingly, flaxseeds can fill in as mid- meal healthy snack while additionally providing the basic fats to your hair. For Hair transplant in Rishikesh visit us.

5.       Whole Grains to Obtain Biotin
Whole grains are rich in biotin along with iron, zinc and B vitamins. Biotin is required for cell proliferation and plays an important part in producing amino acids (protein) which are required for your hair to grow.

6.       Carrots are Rich in Vitamin A
The hair contains the fastest growing tissues in the body and vitamin A is required for the growth of every cell. It also helps the scalp in producing the natural sebum oil which keeps it and the roots healthy to boost hair growth. For Hair transplant in Bangalore visit us.

7.       Avocado Offers Vitamin E
Avocado is rich in Vitamin E and it helps the follicles work more efficiently to promote hair growth. It also maintains the oil and PH levels balance which if exceeds can clog the hair follicles and stop hair growth.


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