We Fight Baldness with Stem Cells

Hair Loss Problem and Solutions – Hair loss problem has become pervasive, and patients as young as 20 are experiencing rapid hair thinning. Hair loss is caused by genetics, medication, and lack of sleep, poor diet, malnutrition, scalp disease, trauma, and stressful activities.
Hair thinning may be temporary or permanent, and a skin or hair specialist is necessary for accurate diagnosis and treatment Hair Transplantation in Moradabad Rapid hair loss may lead to permanent baldness and male pattern hair loss, which has the following disadvantages:-
·         Hair thinning on the sides and loss of hair on the forehead leads to low self-esteem in the patient.
·         Bald patches on the crown and sides of the head are not only unattractive but they also cause and media presence embarrassment to the patient.
·         Rapid hair loss can be also be accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, redness, sores, and irritation of the scalp.
·         Men and women with thin hair lack the aesthetic appeal that is necessary for modern popularity
·         Thankfully, the technology, techniques, and tools used in hair replacement surgery also developed by leaps and bounds in recent years.
The hair restoration methods rely on re-distribution of available hair on the scalp, and hair transplant is one of the most popular and efficient surgical techniques.
Since the 1990’s follicular unit hair transplant surgeries such as FUT and FUE have become very popular due to their efficiency in treating male pattern baldness.
Modern dermatology experts use the descriptive term Follicular Unit Hair Transplant (FUHT) to encompass all the available hair restoration surgeries.

FUE Transplant

Follicular units are very small in size and they include terminal hairs, villus hairs, sebaceous glands, muscle tissue, and collagen. This 30 years age is still so young. Because of this, a lot of people are looking for the best  Hair Transplant in Chinchwad to resolve their problems of hair loss.
The surgeon performs a densitometry study using computer technology and hand-held devices. The study estimates total amount of movable donor hair, size of individual follicular units, and size of balding area.
The surgeon makes round incisions and directly extracts the follicular units from the donor area. A large number of such units are extracted one by one unlike the strip harvesting of FUT procedure.
The units are then transplanted to the recipient area using manual punching devices to accelerate the surgical procedure and make it more efficient and painless.
The success rate of FUE depends on many factors, but the advanced techniques and tools have greatly reduced the problem of transection and follicular unit damage during the transplant.
Advantages of FUE
The best Hair Transplantation in Rishikesh offers the services of experienced surgeons for performing the FUE procedure on eligible candidates.
The FUE hair transplant procedure makes efficient use of hair proximity on the follicular units and offers the following set of advantages:-

·         Unlike FUT or strip harvesting, FUE is an excellent procedure for minimizing and eliminating scarring of the donor area.
·         The recipient wound size is also kept minimum as a result of extensive planning during the pre-operative stage of the surgery.
·         A single FUE session is more than sufficient to safely transplant a large number of grafted units to the recipient/balding area.
·         The extracted follicular units are also placed very close together by the surgeon for maximum effectiveness during subsequent hair growth.
·         The skin surface on the recipient/balding area of the scalp is not modified by the FUE procedure.
·         Post-operative healing is accelerated, and the new hair growth blends well with the natural hairs on non-donor areas.

air Transplant Surgery is a medical procedure that involves the implantation of hair follicles obtained from a donor area situated on the patient’s scalp to a site experiencing hair loss. This means that follicular units or various strips of hair follicles are extracted and then transplanted (in some cases one-by-one) to the affected balding area.

Some of the Main Benefits of a Hair Transplant Procedure:

1. Improved looks
Most of the people seeking out Hair transplant in Durgapur  services will tell you that one of their main reasons for doing so is that balding made them feel disappointed with the way they look. With this type of procedure, such individuals are provided with the opportunity to fill their balding patches and improve their looks, which will make them feel more attractive and confident.
2. A permanent remedy
Unlike most of the topical treatments used for balding issues, or even the wide range of holistic methods offered by different experts, a hair transplant procedure offers hope for those suffering from such conditions, with the most reliable and permanent solution. Once the doctor is through, that’s basically it.
3. Does away with balding
When it comes to Men’s Hair Loss Treatments, the only way to completely say goodbye to all of your balding issues is with a hair transplant procedure. This is because once the surgeon is done with your affected regions; you will never have to worry about receding hairlines or bald spots ever again since such a surgery does away with all that. Also, just as the statistics will show you, hair transplant procedures tend to have an extremely high success rate.
4. Low maintenance
One of the other main benefits of undergoing a hair transplant procedure is the fact it requires minimal maintenance of their worked on areas after the procedure. This is because transplanted hair literally works like regular hair, so you will not have to use any kind of special chemicals or shampoos to maintain proper density. It also important to note that the procedure is a one-time process so you won’t have to visit your doctor over and over again.
5. Cost savings

Even though most of the well-known hair restoration procedures tend to be quite costly, the same cannot be said for a hair transplant surgery. This is because unlike other balding remedies, hair transplant surgery is a one-time procedure, which means you will not have to spend money on additional visits and this is something that most patients really appreciate. hair transplant in Mangalore is one of the most popular hair loss treatments in India.


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