This are the Issues for Hair Loss.

No-one likes to lose their hair, whether they are male or female, but it’s a reality that some people have to deal with. There are lots of reasons why hair loss can happen and not all of them, means you have to accept losing your hair as being permanent and inevitable. Here’s a look at some of the most common causes of hair loss. Stress It’s not an old wives’ tale, stress really can make your hair fall out and it’s one of the most common causes of hair loss. Hair transplant in Mumbai If you are put under excessive amounts of pressure for a prolonged period of time, such as moving house, going through a divorce or changing job, the effects of the stress may manifest as thinning locks. However, emotional stress won’t actually be the sole cause of hair loss; it tends to merely exacerbate any thinning or loss of hair which was already occurring or on the horizon. Physical stress is a different matter and can directly cause hair loss due to a condition known as teleg...